AuthorKM Patten

Too Many Coyotes: Part Two


My family decided to preserve our deceased dog. Along with an urn full of his ashes, we would have one of his paws imprinted on a piece of clay. Shadow would remain in the household, even if only as dust and rock. A few days after the fatal attack, I went back over to the animal hospital to pick up the sepulchral objects. “Thank you,” I said solemnly to the young lady after she handed me the...

Too Many Coyotes


Part One I can sometimes hear them as I drive around the sharp bend in the busy suburban road, almost always at sundown. They’re so close, they seem to be right behind the chain-link fence: a whole pack of hairy, ravenous creatures – so starved they sound like they’re trying to eat one another. I would guess there was at least a couple dozen, all huddled inside of a small den surrounded by...



Ten-Thirty at night. It’s not that late. Scratched eyeglasses hang between my black jacket and rests on the red sweatshirt as I take my nightly walk around the block. By the side of me, an aging mutt is anchored to a nylon leash. Oreo is my companion for the evening. He pants heavily with a dry tongue that almost hangs down past that growth on his leg. I let the slack go looser, then tell him...

Gun Grabber Logic: 101


It’s a quiet evening. A homeowner, his wife, and their two kids sit on the couch and watch T.V. Outside and down the street, a squadron of government agents are about to execute their plan. For it turns out that this homeowner is also a gunowner, and it seems that he has refused to relinquish his firearms. “We’re ready,” says the commanding officer. The door is kicked open. “Everybody down on the...

Over There, to Freedom’s Land


The late afternoon sun appeared angry as it sat down on the city. I watched it from the window of our hotel. It was bloodshot red, looking almost as if it was about to crash into our blue earth, destroying us all. Right now, I would have liked for that to have happened. With the dread of our current situation only momentarily disrupted by that hopeless prospect, my thoughts quickly focused back...

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